

Guides and Tutorials

General Information

The #MappingEcuador initiative has identified various diverse tools for generating indispensable information for humanitarian organizations, aid groups, state institutions, and the general public. The principal tool is Open Street Map for digitizing satellite images into maps of the affected areas, as well as other platforms for helping to report damage, emergencies, and supply points, among others. Here we describe the various available tools and their use. You can also follow the news and progress with the hashtag #MappingEcuador on Twitter.



In the Field

For mapping beginners:

We recommend TomNod, a platform that allows you to identify damage to buildings and roads through the use of satellite images from Sunday and before.  It’s very intuitive and easy to use. The idea is to identify collapsed roads and buildings.  You can also watch some mapping videos for beginners with Open Street Map (OSM) or check out the mapping guide.  and helpful tips

Basic operation of OSM and HOT:

Cuenca Mapathon. (Spanish)

For people with mapping experience:

You can begin with the Ecuador Earthquake Wikiathere you will find the basic information on how to use Open Street Maps (OSM) and the task administrator for the humitarian team of OSM (HOT).  

The mapping tasks are managed by HOT, in which pending mapping tasks are divided, prioritized, and shared.  Through this tool, all of the collaborative mapping effort is realized.

For people who are in the disaster zone:

People in the field can help by uploading information that will be used as input data for the map.  There already exist some tools that serve to centralize and coordinate the information upload effort.  It’s important to use these tools in order to avoid duplicating other people’s effort.


  • App for registering information with photography and georeference: YoVeoVEo 
    • Direct contact with public entities and rescue organizations
    • Direct download link: YoVeoVeo APP
  • Upload photos of affected areas: Mapillary.
  • General Georeferencing information:  OsmTRACKER
  • Fieldpapers, for uploads by hand: Fieldpapers


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